Printing Shop

Use Mystar Print

Send a request with one click and receive an offer from us!

See how it works


Fill the enquiry form below – enter the required information and send an enquiry about a selected product.

Your request will be processed quickly. Speak directly with our team and receive answers to all your questions.


You will receive the offer by email. The offer is technically and economically sophisticated, always striving for the highest level of quality.


Advertising items





Interactive collaboration through the Mystar System with our team makes your work easier and saves you a lot of time.


After receiving the offer, you can review all the details and choose the best option that perfectly meets your requirements.


Save time on lengthy inquiries and emails.
Quickly receive an offer.
Communicate and order quickly and easily with our experts.
Track your project’s progress through the app and see which stage it is currently in.


“Leave your worries to Mystar Print experts. Our central reproduction unit, comprised of numerous prepress experts, accompanies you and your project at every step and ensures a high quality standard and effortless progress of your project…”

Order top-sale products directly
with just a few clicks through our shop.



Yes, you can submit a request through the browser on your mobile device or tablet.

SHOP: In the shop, you can directly purchase selected top-selling products by simply uploading your logo or design. Our prepress professionals take care of the rest for you. REQUEST: The app simplifies your request process without the need to write lengthy inquiry emails. With just a few clicks, you can submit a request for promotional materials, office supplies, promotional items, labels, folding boxes, etc.

With the pre-configured and simplified menus containing many technical details, you just select the product you want to print, enter the desired quantities... and your request is sent. This automatically connects you with our support team, who will handle everything for you.

In the shop, you can easily purchase selected top-sale products directly. By uploading your logo or design, you have set everything in motion. Our prepress professionals will support you through the process until you receive the final printed product. You won’t run the risk of being left alone after making your payment. For some products, there is an option to request a free sample to check the product and material quality in advance.

No, an inquiry is not binding.

No, you cannot change an enquiry that has been sent, but you can cancel it within one hour or copy the sent enquiry, change it and send it as a new enquiry.


  • Get to know us:

    #vibeistalles #styleistalles #lifestyle #dopamine #klarheitistmacht #schicksalineigenerhand #dynamik #seideintrend #liebe #freude

  • Natalija

    The sunshine in our office. Natalija has the wonderful ability to make even the dullest company shine with her positive energy. Often she is supported by her dog Ela. Her favorite food is all kinds of potatoes, and if she could, she would eat them exclusively from morning to night. In her free time (and often in the office) she moves with the elegance of an oriental dancer.

  • Marko

    His dexterity and resourcefulness in the office and on the shop floor are matched only by his skateboarding skills. After work you can often find him at open-air festivals and probably not a day goes by that he doesn't eat at least one bowl of soup.

  • Meta

    Not only does Meta think fast (and sometimes out loud), she speaks it too. She is always and everywhere our driving force and, according to her own statements, her almost inexhaustible energy comes from hiking, jogging and her two children, whom she constantly has to chase after. And no matter what's on the table: Meta always tastes a little better with garlic.

  • David

    Managing director, sales representative, world traveler and bundle of energy - that is our David. It never gets boring in his presence. Every sport is a challenge for him, but he feels most comfortable on the ski slopes or in the boxing ring. He often spoils his employees with snacks and home remedies to combat various ailments.

  • Carina

    Our in-house fashionista likes to sing to the latest pop hits and spreads a good mood everywhere with her beaming smile. As our art director, she strives for simplicity and minimalism in her work, but swears by maximum good coffee. That's why she often provides us with locally roasted and ground coffee beans.

  • Natalija

    ... our driving force! Sitting around - none. Doldrums of ideas – none. Project without information - none. She is a born secret agent with many hidden talents. We have a suspicion that she was used in "Lara Croft" as a double for the most daring stunts. Her comment: "It all comes from the fact that I like to climb trees so much." Natalija keeps more than she promises and you always feel safe by her side.

  • Denis

    Flights of fancy without losing traction – that is our Denis. The term "romance" gets a whole new meaning from him and he draws his natural, carefree joy not from what he feels, but from the feelings he is able to evoke in us. We particularly admire his patience and good humor, which infects us all. Impossible, Denis doesn't have it!

  • Damian

    Still waters are known to be deep, and against Damian the Mariana Trench is a better puddle. His creativity knows no bounds and he always manages to amaze us. Damian doesn't need complicated, detailed instructions: he listens to himself and manages to meet unspoken wishes and ideas with his creations. Damian not only inspires, he touches. And we learned from him that strength really lies in stillness.

  • Neja

    Neja, the gentle and just. We affectionately call her "Pippi Longstocking" because of her playful yet goal-oriented nature, which is always accompanied by a bright smile. Not a day goes by without an inspiring thought from Neja.


A team of printing experts is at your side at all times during the entire course of your project.
+43 664 263 46 94

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A free solution for fast, high quality advertising printing!